Rubies and Jewels

Ruby Jewell Wilhite-Graves, developed a love of writing in early childhood. In High School, she wrote her Senior Class Song. She won an Essay Contest, receiving a Business College Scholarship. In adulthood, a former CNA, she retired as a corporate secretary. Throughout life, Ruby continued writing poems and received the Golden Poet Award, the Who's Who in Poetry Award, and Award of Merit with World of Poetry, for her poem, "Remembrance". Also, has many poems published with Fine Arts Press, and she received recognition of Excellence for Poetry. She grew up with a close-knit family of twelve on a farm in Casey County, Kentucky. A devoted Grandmother, she helped raise three Granddaughters, and adopted her only Grandson, dedicating her life to her family. After suffering the loss of every one of her siblings, she is now, the last one standing.

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Rubies and Jewels: Gems of My Soul